Monday Apr 03, 2023

Dysfunction Mapping, Helping Agile Teams Thrive

🗣 Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters play a crucial role in overcoming dysfunctions within Agile teams. These dysfunctions can present as behaviours, or patterns that can hinder teams in their ability to work effectively, collaborate, and deliver business outcomes.⭐️ Michael Lloyd has created #DysfunctionMapping as a means to surface anti-patterns, monitor symptoms and help fellow Scrum Masters and Agile coaches tailor their coaching strategies, to ensure they are making lasting changes, and bringing the most benefit to teams and organisations. 🚀Michael joined us on The Delivery Space to talk about the Dysfunction Mapping method that he’s offering in a workshop format, to equip Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters to solve challenges faced by teams. Michael's Linkedin Profile: discussed:📌 Michael’s motivation for creating Dysfunction Mapping (2:27)📌 Feedback on the Dysfunction Mapping tool from those in the community, that have used it (3:45)📌 Our early experiences as Scrum Masters (15:39)📌 Using the method to form a coaching backlog (25:06)📌 The importance of articulating our value as Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches (27:02)Make sure you follow The Delivery Space for more great episodes like this 🚀Follow the Delivery Space on: Spotify & all other podcast platforms LinkedIn Instagram ttps:// Nisha on Follow Sharon on

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