Friday Jan 12, 2024
Maximising Team Performance Using Dysfunction Mapping
🚀 We’re Kicking off Season 4 with a cracker of a podcast with Michael Lloyd, talking about my own experiences of Dysfunction Mapping and the workshop I attended to equip myself with practitioner skills.
⭐️ Michael has created #DysfunctionMapping as a means to surface anti-patterns, monitor symptoms and help fellow Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches tailor their coaching strategies, to ensure they are making lasting changes to bring the most benefit to teams and organisations.
As Michael put’s it, Dysfunction Mapping allows us to be deliberate about our coaching, allowing us to get to the core of why dysfunctions exist, and put in place solutions to measure the improvements we’re making.
These dysfunctions can present as behaviours, or patterns that can hinder teams in their ability to work effectively, collaborate, and deliver business outcomes.
Grab a cuppa and tune into the episode.
We discussed:
01:19 - My feedback on The Dysfunction Mapping workshop and its impact on my own growth
01:20 - My personal reasons for attending the Dysfunction Mapping workshop
01:48 - Approach to improving team performance, the importance of identifying areas for improvement within teams, and the value you bring as a Scrum Master.
11:03 - Challenges faced while coaching Scrum Masters and analysis of the underlying reasons for these issues in different teams.
11:50 - Exploration of common patterns and root causes in dysfunction within teams
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